get real

Slang definitions & phrases for get real

be real


An exhortation to be sane and sensible: John, are you going fishing this weekend? Be real, Smitty, I have to study for a test (1980s+ College students)

get real


An exhortation to be sensible, to eschew illusion: ''I'll trade them for your Reuben Kincaid sleep goggles.'' ''Get real, pal''/ Be real, Smitty, I have to study for a test/ What other city has both a large number of Quaker activists and a dreadlocked black cult whose house the city has bombed? Get real (1970s+)

Idioms and Phrases with get real

get real

Be realistic, understand what's going on, as in You think you'll win the lottery if you buy one ticket a week? Get real! [ ; second half of 1900s ]